As the waiting list for government-subsidised housing in Kuwait has grown to more than 100,000 in 2013, projects aimed at combating the shortage will see a number of new construction projects in the...
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Displaying 3019 to 3024 of 6094
Economic Update | Kuwait: Addressing the housing shortage
24 Apr 2013
Economic Update | Brunei Darussalam: Infrastructure snags to boosting tourist numbers
24 Apr 2013
Having begun to roll out a tourism master plan that puts the spotlight on natural and cultural assets, Brunei Darussalam is targeting an 8% increase in visitor numbers this year.
Economic Update | Ghana: Balancing costs of education
19 Apr 2013
Several issues debated during Ghana’s 2012 campaign season regarding education funding are expected to be revisited in 2013. The cost and quality of education ranks as a high priority for citizens,...
Economic Update | Myanmar: Surge in tourism
19 Apr 2013
International arrivals in Myanmar topped 1m in 2012, up an impressive 30% from the year before. The country, which was recently voted the “top travel destination” by readers of the British magazine...
Economic Update | Qatar: Major boost for chemicals production
19 Apr 2013
A move to bring the marketing and sales side of Qatar’s chemical, fertiliser and polymer operations under one umbrella is an indication of the country’s plans to build a larger and more vibrant...
Economic Update | The Philippines: FDI on the up
19 Apr 2013
After years of slow growth in foreign direct investment (FDI) following the global financial crisis, the Philippines is now showing high potential for a return to 2007 FDI levels. The country still...