While Kuwait’s FDI figures were up in 2012, far more capital still leaves the country each year than enters it. However, the government is working to reverse this, in part by improving the legal...
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Displaying 2839 to 2844 of 6094
Economic Update | Kuwait looks to boost foreign investment
15 Aug 2013
Economic Update | Investing in Indonesia's private sector health care
15 Aug 2013
With Indonesia’s new universal health care programme expected to put pressure on the public hospital system, investors are looking to develop private sector medical facilities as an alternative for...
Economic Update | Retail in the Philippines set to soar and spread
14 Aug 2013
Strong economic growth is boosting consumer purchasing power in the Philippines, driving retail sales and creating opportunities for investment by both local and international chains.
Economic Update | Saudi Arabia's petrochemicals sector facing greater competition
13 Aug 2013
Rising competition and the threat of higher costs at home could see Saudi Arabia’s petrochemicals industry come under increased pressure. However, these impending challenges have so far failed to...
Economic Update | Développer le secteur ivoirien de la transformation de la noix de cajou
13 Aug 2013
En Côte d’Ivoire, la production de la noix de cajou a connu une croissance régulière au cours de la dernière décennie, faisant de la république ouest-africaine le deuxième exportateur mondial de...
Economic Update | La Libye s'investit dans un contrat énergétique Tunisien
12 Aug 2013
Un nouvel accord avec la Libye pourrait aider la Tunisie à répondre à la demande à court terme en combustibles fossiles, et relancer le projet de construction de la raffinerie de Skhira, chiffré à 2...