A l’occasion d’une visite du roi du Maroc Mohammed VI fin mai, le Maroc a conclu avec la Tunisie toute une série d’accords de coopération, relatifs aux secteurs public et privé, afin de renforcer les...
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Displaying 2449 to 2454 of 6094
Economic Update | Le Maroc et la Tunisie tentent de ressusciter l’Union du Maghreb Arabe
11 Jul 2014
Economic Update | Saudi insurance market remains tight
11 Jul 2014
The crowded insurance sector in Saudi Arabia has come under pressure with low penetration rates and rising costs, highlighting the difficulties for smaller firms in the industry to maintain market...
Economic Update | Les assureurs algériens observent une croissance rapide
10 Jul 2014
En Algérie, le secteur de l’assurance a réalisé un début d’année encourageant, enregistrant une forte croissance du volume des primes au premier trimestre 2014 et une progression encore plus...
Economic Update | Brunei Darussalam strengthening infrastructure backbone
10 Jul 2014
Greater investment and an increased pace of new project launches should see Brunei Darussalam’s transport and logistics reinforced over the next few years, building on recent improvements to the...
Economic Update | Kenya devolution still evolving
9 Jul 2014
Devolution in Kenya is still in its early stages, and there have been growing pains with complications relating to funding and concerns over governance, but a spate of new initiatives is looking to...
Economic Update | Turkey likely to gain from ECB rate cuts
9 Jul 2014
The recent move by the European Central Bank (ECB) to loosen monetary policy, which included cutting the deposit interest rate to a landmark -0.1%, looks set to provide a welcome boost to both Turkey...