Recent visits to Mongolia by Chinese and Russian Presidents, Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin, have cemented deals that may see the mineral-rich country double trade with its neighbours and achieve a...
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Displaying 2377 to 2382 of 6094
Economic Update | Mongolia lays tracks to boost trade
26 Sep 2014
Economic Update | Pharmaceuticals propel Jordan’s economic diversification
26 Sep 2014
Much discussion of Jordan’s economic potential focuses on the mining and processing of minerals, but knowledge sectors like pharmaceuticals may offer a more effective tonic for the economy.
Economic Update | Ghana prepares to power up
26 Sep 2014
An expanding economy and growing population are increasing demand for power in Ghana and while lower levels of hydroelectric generation, sparked by a long-running drought, has reduced output, the...
Economic Update | Brunei Darussalam leads on vocational learning
22 Sep 2014
Vocational training has become a key focus in Brunei Darussalam as it aims to meet the shifting demands of its economy as well as the challenges that economic integration with the rest of ASEAN is...
Economic Update | New schools to meet growing demand in Kuwait
22 Sep 2014
A growing population and crowded public school system have led Kuwait to move forward on a host of investments in education. The government recently launched tenders for a series of primary and...
Economic Update | Développement de l'irrigation pour soutenir la production agricole algérienne
18 Sep 2014
Les pressions extérieures subies en 2014 ont pesé plus lourdement qu'à l'accoutumée sur le secteur agricole algérien, ce qui représente un défi de taille pour le pays, compte tenu de sa facture des...