Mongolia’s remote regions are beginning to feel the benefits of public and private initiatives aimed at attracting investment and promoting rural development in a bid to tackle rising levels of...
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Displaying 2005 to 2010 of 6094
Economic Update | Mongolia eyes rural growth
29 Sep 2015
Economic Update | L’Algérie continue de soutenir les programmes de logement
29 Sep 2015
Malgré la chute des prix du pétrole et du gaz, le gouvernement algérien a promis de continuer à soutenir ses programmes sociaux dans des domaines clés tels que le logement, alors même qu’il annonçait...
Economic Update | Oman targets sustainable education
29 Sep 2015
More than half a million students started the academic year on August 23 at some 1077 public school around Oman, with 5% more students enrolling than the previous year.
Economic Update | De solides perspectives pour le commerce de détail gabonais
29 Sep 2015
Bien que le Gabon ne compte que 2 millions d’habitants, de hauts niveaux de revenu et une population urbaine concentrée ont propulsé le pays au sommet de l’Indice de Développement du Commerce de...
Economic Update | Upgrading Malaysia’s construction sector
29 Sep 2015
Short to medium-term prospects for Malaysia’s construction sector remain promising, with state and private sector spending on the rise as the government launches initiatives to spur industry growth.
Economic Update | Cautious optimism for Bahrain’s banks
29 Sep 2015
Thanks to robust non-oil sector growth and ongoing regional investment in infrastructure development, Bahrain’s banks are proving more resilient than expected during this period of lower oil prices.