Myanmar’s recently unveiled economic agenda is heavily dependent on overcoming electricity shortages in areas already on the national grid as well as achieving the country’s goal of implementing...
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Economic Update | Efforts under way to provide universal electricity access in Myanmar
25 Aug 2016
Economic Update | Le Maroc adopte une nouvelle charte de l’investissement
24 Aug 2016
Suite à l’introduction le mois dernier d’une nouvelle charte de l’investissement, l’Etat marocain a signé des contrats d’investissements pour un total de 7,5 milliards de dirhams (691,6 millions d’...
Economic Update | L’Algérie se dote d’un nouveau code des investissements afin de stimuler son économie
24 Aug 2016
Une révision des règles régissant les investissements est actuellement à l’œuvre en Algérie avec pour objectif de doper les secteurs hors hydrocarbures dans un climat de faible croissance économique...
Economic Update | Kuwait follows through with SME investment
23 Aug 2016
With low oil prices continuing to take their toll on the Kuwaiti economy, the government is hoping investment in the small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) sector begins to pay dividends.
Economic Update | Oman’s property market sees price recalibration
22 Aug 2016
After posting robust growth in 2015, Oman’s real estate sector has seen prices decline early this year, though sales remain strong in certain segments of the market.
Economic Update | Sri Lanka aims to build tourism momentum
22 Aug 2016
Increased international arrivals and expansion into new segments are key elements in Sri Lanka’s plans to boost revenue in its growing tourism sector, an important earner of foreign currency.