A raft of new retail outlets and mall expansions are boosting supply in Jordan’s retail sector – all part of a significant pipeline of projects seeking to capitalise on the country’s rising spending...
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Economic Update | Jordan’s retail sector gains momentum
22 May 2017
Economic Update | Djibouti entend renforcer sa connectivité numérique
22 May 2017
La signature au mois de janvier d’un contrat portant sur le raccordement de Djibouti au nouveau système sous-marin de fibre optique qui traversera l’Océan Indien, baptisé Australia West Express Cable...
Economic Update | Palm oil production to rise in Indonesia
22 May 2017
Improved weather conditions and expanded acreage should help Indonesia’s palm oil industry rebound from a weak harvest in 2016, though projections of higher output may put downward pressure on prices...
Economic Update | Thailand eyes reforms to real estate sector
22 May 2017
A proposal to restructure leasehold agreements on property has been put forward by the government, though uncertainty over new land and building taxes may impact the rollout of new projects.
Economic Update | La Tunisie cherche à conserver son avance en matière de recherche et d’innovation
22 May 2017
Des initiatives nationales de soutien aux start-ups conjuguées à des subventions internationales à la recherche devraient permettre de renforcer l’activité entrepreneuriale en Tunisie.
Economic Update | Consolidation in financial services to increase Abu Dhabi’s global clout
16 May 2017
First announced in June 2016, a merger between National Bank of Abu Dhabi (NBAD) and First Gulf Bank (FGB) was finalised last month.