Bernardo Bruzzone, Regional Editor for Africa at Oxford Business Group, speaks with Professor Bruno Gérard, Head of the Agrobiosciences department at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), about...
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Displaying 13 to 18 of 6094
Economic Update | OBG Talks: Sustainability at the heart of African agriculture (in French)
24 Nov 2022
Economic Update | Will more sustainable plastics revolutionise waste management in emerging markets?
17 Nov 2022
As an increasing number of countries ban single-use plastics, waste remains a significant environmental issue – although a variety of initiatives promise to make emerging markets the focus of the...
Economic View | Abdullah Ibrahim Alkhorayef, CEO, Alkhorayef Commercial Company
14 Nov 2022
What are the prospects for greater private sector participation in the economy and the country’s broader economic diversification agenda?
Economic Update | Focus Report: How Mexico’s digital economy benefits from North American regional integration
14 Nov 2022
Amid an uncertain global economic outlook, Mexico has positioned itself as a strategic centre of production, innovation and consumption in the digital economy.
Economic Update | Rainforests as key sources of carbon credits in emerging markets
10 Nov 2022
In the fight against climate change, forests are vital carbon sinks, absorbing twice as much carbon as they produce each year globally.
Economic Update | How technology can combat flooding in emerging markets
8 Nov 2022
As climate change causes sea levels to rise to unprecedented levels, governments and citizens in vulnerable countries are looking at innovative ways to forecast, prevent, adapt to and insure against...