Newly identified oil and gas deposits are expected to increase momentum in Bahrain’s energy sector and could have a wider economic impact by easing concerns over rising debt levels.
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Displaying 937 to 942 of 6094
Economic Update | Bahrain’s new hydrocarbons find could replenish energy and fiscal reserves
31 May 2018
Economic Update | Preventative care and private engagement key to Qatar’s new health strategy
31 May 2018
Qatar is placing significant focus on preventative health care as part of its new five-year plan for the sector, with efforts to improve the general health of the population and reduce the cost of...
Economic Update | Energy deals see South Africa boost renewable capacity
31 May 2018
South Africa has stepped up plans to expand renewable energy’s contribution to the power mix, signing a series of new procurement deals that will considerably boost overall capacity and provide...
Economic Update | Dubai property market expects mid-term rebound
31 May 2018
In mid-April the Dubai Land Department (DLD) issued its quarterly report on real estate transactions, which showed there had been 13,759 sales, mortgage agreements or other deals conducted in the...
Economic Update | Une nouvelle reconnaissance internationale vient booster les projets de développement touristique de Djibouti
31 May 2018
Une visibilité internationale accrue, des réformes dans les procédures de visa et des investissements infrastructurels devraient permettre à Djibouti de se rapprocher de l’objectif que le pays s’est...
Economic Update | Egypt’s housing market sees continued growth
30 May 2018
Strong demand and positive market conditions are driving investment in the residential segment of Egypt’s real estate sector.