Broad-based appeal and a growing reputation as an attractive destination for key markets suggest Oman could comfortably meet its long-term targets for the tourism industry, which include increasing...
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Economic Update | Oman sees rewards by focusing on high-end tourism
30 Aug 2017
Economic View | Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein, Chairperson, International Humanitarian City
30 Aug 2017
How can the private sector help contribute to the government’s humanitarian aid efforts?
Economic Update | Reforms aim to open Kuwaiti market to foreign investors
29 Aug 2017
Activity in Kuwait’s capital market picked up in 2017, as authorities accelerated plans to reform the country’s exchange in advance of its planned initial public offering (IPO).
Economic Update | Sharjah International Airport development under way to accommodate passenger growth and new routes
28 Aug 2017
Improved facilities and new flight connections could help Sharjah International Airport (SIA) build on growing passenger numbers.
Economic Update | New smart programme aims to generate $11bn in Qatar’s ICT sector
28 Aug 2017
The ICT sector in Qatar received a boost last March with the launch of the Smart Qatar Programme, or Tasmu, which aims to generate significant revenue for the economy and stimulate job growth.
Economic Update | Abu Dhabi expands water conservation and treatment initiatives
24 Aug 2017
Given its arid climate and limited groundwater reserves, Abu Dhabi is in the process of ramping up efforts around both water conservation and wastewater treatment.