The utilities sector is turning to private and foreign investors to help spur the growth needed to meet local demand. The construction of 16 power and water projects worth $3.1bn are slated to...
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Displaying 1087 to 1092 of 2122
Economic Update | Oman: Meeting water demand
9 Aug 2012
Economic Update | Abu Dhabi: Growth path
7 Aug 2012
Buoyed by positive growth in 2011, Abu Dhabi looks set to see a strong economic performance again this year. Though efforts to diversify the economy continue, high oil prices ensured that energy was...
Economic Update | Jordan: In search of further investment
6 Aug 2012
Even though foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows are poised to rise sharply in the second half of 2012, the Jordanian government is treading cautiously against the background of a still fragile...
Economic Update | Bahrain: Building up industry
2 Aug 2012
The creation of a new multi-billion-dollar industrial city in Bahrain could soon be given the green light as the government steps up its efforts to build on its manufacturing base.
Economic Update | Qatar: Growth tipped for real estate
1 Aug 2012
While the overall direction of the real estate sector appears set for steady growth through the next 12 months, demand may be uneven across the various segments as the market moves towards striking a...
Economic Update | Kuwait: Improving transparency
30 Jul 2012
New corporate governance rules announced by the Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK) in June should continue to strengthen the banking sector and address issues that have been attributed to a weak corporate...