Recent acquisitions of Turkish agribusiness interests by Gulf investors have highlighted the sector’s opportunities for expansion in the wider region. However, further development of the industry...
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Displaying 817 to 822 of 2122
Economic Update | Turkey’s agribusiness attracts new investors
4 Mar 2014
Economic Update | Saudi Arabia’s city of phosphate
2 Mar 2014
A new phosphate mining and processing mega-project is set to improve Saudi Arabia’s access to the global fertiliser market, but a potential excess of international supply may extend the period before...
Economic Update | Kuwait looks to reduce subsidies
24 Feb 2014
The government in Kuwait is weighing-up measures to rein in spending on subsidies and welfare programmes, responding to concerns that the national budget could slip into deficit by the end of the...
Economic Update | Oman’s insurance sector plans path to growth
23 Feb 2014
Insurers in Oman are planning to make better use of technology and raise the industry’s profile in an effort to boost the size of the market and improve profitability in what is a crowded sector.
Economic Update | Qatar steps up support for SMEs
19 Feb 2014
A drive aimed at encouraging Qatar’s citizens to set up in business is gaining pace, as the government moves to increase the private sector’s contribution to the national economy through regulatory...
Economic Update | Investment review at Jordan’s Aqaba SEZ
18 Feb 2014
A new committee has been launched to build on the success of the Aqaba Special Economic Zone, the centrepiece of a long-term strategy to spread faster and more sustainable economic development to the...