UAE: Abu Dhabi

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Plastic waste is prominent among the multiple, interlinked environmental challenges currently facing the world. Emerging markets have a significant role to play in addressing the issue, both as leading plastic consumers, and in that they are often disproportionately affected.

With connectivity being widely recognised as a key driver of the post-coronavirus economic recovery, GCC countries are poised to benefit from the expansion of their 5G networks.

Amid an attempt to drive a post-coronavirus economic rebound, a number of countries in the Gulf have introduced new immigration measures to help attract skilled foreign workers.

With hydrocarbons-rich countries in the Gulf increasingly looking to reduce their carbon emissions, some in the region are turning towards multi-coloured hydrogen as a more environmentally sustainable solution.

More female employees are joining workplaces and boardrooms in the UAE and Saudi Arabia, with gender equality a key target of a regional drive to improve environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards.

How has the Covid-19 pandemic impacted the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Abu Dhabi?

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