Thailand Education

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In recent decades, the pharmaceutical market has expanded its geographic reach. This trend appears to be here to stay; in a survey of major pharmaceutical firms conducted by global consulting firm PwC’s Strategy& team, more than half of respondents anticipated that over 30% of their global sales would originate in emerging markets by 2018...


Although priorities vary when it comes to economic development, the increasing need for skilled labour is both a cause of and a requirement for accelerated growth across markets. This demand for technical specialists is often most concentrated in the sectors that are vital to economic advancement, including infrastructure, oil and gas...


Building on decades of stability and rising prosperity, Thailand has made substantial gains in the development of its human capital. Guided by the sufficiency economy philosophy, devised by the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej, the country has established an effective welfare state focused on expanding and improving access to education and health...


A changing economic landscape is the driving force for reform in Thailand’s higher education system, with the Thailand 4.0 economic strategy prompting universities to adapt curricula to meet government policy and industrial demand. Highlighting the current mismatch between skills and industry demands, Chen Namchaisiri, chairman of the...


Thailand has been reaping the benefits of an expanding global health care industry, as its large number of internationally accredited hospitals and qualified practitioners continue to attract clientele from both developing and developed countries. At the same time, the universal coverage framework has succeeded in providing health care to...


Thailand’s educational system has a fairly well evolved curriculum, having gone through three major rounds of reform in recent decades, and it is generally regarded as sound. Analyses by UNESCO and others suggest that in terms of approach and theory, it is very much the same as the curricula utilised in Asian nations with highly successful...

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