
Displaying 409 - 414 of 476

Self-sufficiency is the over-arching theme of the action plan to revitalise the agricultural sector. Raising import tariffs on key staples such as rice and wheat is designed to boost domestic investment and production. Nigerian farmers and producers used to play an important role on the global stage, and Abuja hopes its new plan will put the sector...

With its large population, its GDP still showing growth in the high-single digits in a recession-haunted world and its vast if underexploited natural resources, Nigeria is an attractive but challenging market for industrial firms. The sector is still quite small overall, accounting for less than 1% of GDP. Some fields are expanding rapidly, while...

One of the biggest opportunities and challenges for the construction sector over the next decade will be the provision of affordable housing to a rapidly growing and changing population. While the government’s main focus in the short term is on infrastructure development, in the medium to long term housing is likely to become the most pressing issue...

It may not rank high among the world’s recommended travel destinations, but tourism in Nigeria is among the few sectors with significant potential to support efforts to diversify away from oil in a sustainable and inclusive manner. Though largely guided by business travellers, the sector could also benefit from the nation’s rich cultural...

Holding a loaf of bread in one hand President Goodluck Jonathan extolled the virtues of cassava flour to an assembled audience of journalists and dignitaries at the Federal Executive Council in Abuja in November 2011. Nigerian bakers are being strongly encouraged to bake bread made with up to 40% cassava flour instead of wheat. Leading food...

Transforming Nigeria into a knowledge-based economy is the centre of the government’s policy on information and communications technology (ICT). There is much optimism about the sector’s ability to drive socioeconomic change in the country and growth across economic sectors, but how to achieve this and where to direct the state’s efforts and...

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