Algeria Construction

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Algeria is a country rich in history and situated in a strategically important region. While its past has at times been turbulent, the last decade has been one of relative peace. Economic growth and development has followed, driven primarily by advances in the hydrocarbons sector.

Malgré la chute des prix du pétrole et du gaz, le gouvernement algérien a promis de continuer à soutenir ses programmes sociaux dans des domaines clés tels que le logement, alors même qu’il annonçait fin août de nouvelles réductions de dépenses.

A l’heure où plusieurs projets d’infrastructures de grande envergure tirent la demande de matériaux de construction vers le haut, l’augmentation de la production locale se retrouve au cœur des priorités de l’Algérie, qui souhaite ainsi réduire des importations coûteuses.

As the government channels state funds into its public housing programme, growing private interest is stoking growth in the higher-end residential segment of Algeria’s real estate market along with office and commercial real estate.

With a growing and young population and an urbanisation rate approaching 70%, Algeria’s housing deficit is a problem that has been at the centre of government policy for several years. The country’s current housing gap is estimated to be 1.2m homes, according to figures published by the South Africa-based organisation Centre for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa (...

Algeria continues to have a significant gap between cement demand and production capabilities. Both the state and private operators have been increasing domestic capacity. But amidst a nationwide effort to develop infrastructure, a housing programme prioritised by the government to reduce the housing gap and an economic dynamism that is galvanising private construction...

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