TAG: The Americas
Although low oil and gas prices in 2015 had a negative economic effect on Trinidad and Tobago, the current government is pursuing a series of reforms aimed at both strengthening the energy sector and diversifying the wider economy.
Peru has continued to see solid economic fundamentals, even as oil and commodities prices have dipped. The country is focusing on new avenues for expansion, such as mining, tourism and non-traditional exports.
In late 2015 T&T’s newly elected government inherited an economy sliding into recession as a consequence of lower global energy prices. In response, the Keith Rowley administration has moved towards a policy of fiscal discipline, with further austerity measures expected under the forthcoming 2017 budget. In spite these challenges, after surveying business leaders across all sectors of T&T’s economy, Oxford Business Group found indications that many companies are in fact taking advantage of this period of slower growth to assess their operations and prepare for future expansion ...